Fences and gates are used for many different purposes. The two main purposes for which homeowner get fences and gates built for their property are for privacy and protection. The other purposes of having a fence or gate is for horses and other livestock, for decorative purposes, for fixed machinery, and for sports areas. You can install a custom gate for your walkway, foyer, or driveway.
Fences, gates, and railings add special touches to the outlook of your home. They come in diverse styles. Some styles include: pool railings, picket fences, welded gates, and wooden fences. If you live in the West Palm Beach area, you have a screen industry pioneer that specializes in installations of fences, gates, and railings right in your neighborhood. Screen Builders is South Florida’s Screen Industry Pioneers. For over 26 years, Screen Builders has been offering installation services to people who want fences, gates, or railings added to their homes.
Most of the time, our customers tells us that they want to get a fence installed around their yard to protect their pets and children. Some of our customers have told us that they wanted to add a gate around their home for more privacy. Our gate and fence solutions will make your outdoor area stand out from the other homes in your community.
All of Screen Builders’ fences, gates, and railings are made using the highest grade alloy aluminum quality. You can get them in bronze and white colors. We offer welded gates that are custom designed for every one of our customers. They can choose to get their gates with hinges, swing or rolling options. We also offer to install mechanical gates. The powder coated paint that we use is maintenance free and they never need to be repainted.
Screen Builders’ fence and gate team are sure to provide you with great customer service, quality work, and time efficiency. We want to help you keep your property safe and private. We want you to enjoy your time with your pets in the backyard without needing to keep a leash on them. We want you to keep your children protected from nearby lakes or outside areas with a high fence. Don’t wait. Call us today at (561) 537-5122.