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Why You Need Hurricane Shutters in Wellington, FL

There are many wonderful perks that come with living in South Florida. Year long sunshine is great for anyone that suffers from seasonal affective disorder as gloomy skies are quite the rarity. Endless beaches mean there is always guaranteed weekend fun only a short drive away. Wellington Florida is simply a beautiful place to live, it is no wonder why so many people choose to retire here. However, there is one dangerous aspect that comes with living in South Florida and that is hurricanes. Last years hurricane Irma did tremendous damage to the surrounding areas and many people had severe damage done to their homes or business. At Screen Builders, we take great pride in our ability to offer customers added hurricane protection to their home or business by installing hurricane shutters over all windows. Let’s take a detailed look at just how hurricane shutters are a smart investment that give you peace of mind knowing your home is protected.

Many Florida residents cover their windows with plywood during hurricanes, while this is better than no protection, there is a much stronger option. Plywood is no match for heavy winds that can exceed 100mph during major hurricanes. Plywood can easily be broken by such high winds and from all the flying debris. If you are going to take the time to protect your home or business, you want to make sure that you do it the right way. Hurricane shutters offer that extra layer of protection that plywood just can’t match. This is a lesson you do not want to learn the hard way, so make sure you call Screen Builders today to make sure your home has the protection necessary to stand up to the next hurricane.     

Spring time is right around the corner which means hurricane season will soon follow. As the saying goes, “There is no time like the present.” Don’t put off getting your family the protection they need, call Screen Builders today at (561) 295-8011 to find out more on how hurricane shutters in Wellington Florida are one of the best investments you can make.