You are in your new home and you’re new to Florida’s moist humid weather. Moisture(rain & humidity)is the enemy to your new aluminum fence not looking new. Since most fences are located next to the rear and side property lines away of the house lot, you don’t really pay attention to its paint finish condition. In one year, it begins to mildew turning the white or bronze paint to a black and white look. It’s mildew and it keeps growing staining the paint to black and white.
All painted aluminum frame needs pressured cleaned annually including your screen enclosure if you have one. It’s a lifestyle for keeping your home clean and fresh. Your house roof needs the same care since it’s as large as your home. Tile roofs mildew.
If you’re going to plant a shrub next to the fence, please keep this in mind. Don’t plant too close. Keep the shrub base (trunk) 3 feet away, because it grows into a miniature tree after it matures. The branches grow through the fence pushing against the fence pickets. The too close condition makes your fence lean and look terrible. Keep the shrub branches trimmed once a year.
Fence gates have spring assisted hinges that require lubrication. Use WD40 or silicone spray 2-3 times per year so the gate will close on its own. If you have a fenced pool especially pay attention to the gate closing on its own for child safety. Now that you know what to do, call Screen Builders for a free estimate.